
Sailors Night


Anglo Eastern Annual Sailors Night

The Problem

Anglo-Eastern is a ship management company, with over 900 ships and around 1,700 shore staff and over 27,000 seafarers. Each year they host an annual event to celebrate the commitment of these seafarers and their families. All this over a gala night with families followed by 2 days of conferences and workshops. Sounds like a regular event? Now add to this 1000+ guests, each one to receive pick up and drop from their respective stays, customised welcome kits, turning around a ballroom to accommodate them all while setting up a grand stage, artist management, breakaway sessions, content curation and much more.

Our Approach/Response

Before jumping to the operations of the project, we put together a team who was able to understand the culture of the client, the discipline this event needs and adhere to strict timelines. The project management was documented across collaborative drives and there was abundant use of technology to eliminate any room of error.

Strong and clear communication was the key to this successful event.


The 3 day event saw a record turnout in excess of 1000+ guests, including over 80 ship owners, a similar number of overseas representatives, 650 senior and 100 junior officers, not to mention their spouses and children.  

Most importantly, a pat on the back from the client and an expression of desire to work with us for future events. Design appreciation followed.

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